Grandma StJames' Secrets: Cure for the Common Cold

StJames' Secrets:
Cure for the
Common Cold
Fall and Spring colds are in everyone and
no one knows the "cure for the common cold" or do they.
Doctors make 100 of millions from colds and allergies yearly. There
is a prevention of allergies to hay fever, pollens, and without drugs
and doctors do not want you to learn about the natural way of getting
the help you need with common colds. This info is for FREE and I'm
giving it to you like, Grandpa & Grandma Smith gave me.
1954 to 1968, I had spent most of my life hooked on the drugs... and
the doctors prescribed all of them.
mother thought I had a cold so I got filled up the new cure of the
day Penicillin and tons of it over the first three years of my life.
keep my nose from running and my eyes from watering up every time I
went outside into the new wide world, just stopped going outside.
I was a very sick little girl all my life and all that wished was...
"I could get off the pills that ruled my life since I was
pills that the doctors gave me knocked me out to where I slept most
of my life away or dried up my head so, bad it would hurt the top of
my head making everything blurry and hard to see. I know everyone
that ever felt that feeling will understand that pain and how you
wish it would not ever come back.
went on for years until I moved next door to Mr. Smith and his
beautiful wife. They had a massive yard with gardens full of
plants, both food and flowers. The first day Mrs. Smith invited
me out to see their small piece of heaven. I knew halfway
through the tour of her garden my eyes started the same old thing of
swelling, itchy, and watering. When she saw this she quickly took me
back to her kitchen and made me some of her special tea. It was
not the tea that did the trick but what she added to it.
had a dear friend stated that she could not take full or part-time
work since the birth of her two children because of their ongoing
illness. She told me that they had been on medication all of
their young lives, in and out of hospitals, one of them was taking
breathing treatments daily.</p>
I heard that, my heart sank. I told her my that was told to me
by Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Within the first week, the youngest was
down to three times a week for his treatments. Within one month
the breathing treatments were down to once a month instead of three
to four a day.
children were faithful knowing that it was the only thing that
worked. They would never forget what they had to do daily. Many
people that I have told started using it right away skeptical at
first but in the end, they believe just like I came to know this
works. I now am glad to see the boys out playing and with very little
problems with their breathing and allergies. The pills the
doctors had them on left them dragging around like I use to be and
always stuck in the home away from the outdoors.
once, but every time I have gotten someone to start taking it, the
results totally amaze their doctors. You see most doctors do
not know the secret and it is so simple.
don't the Doctors tell their clients about this?
that I tell wonders why their doctors do not know this simple
solution to a major problem facing most people in the world.
As my
old Dr. Johnson said, “I don’t see you much anymore for your
sinus problems and bad colds.” When I told him why, he said
that most doctors would not tell their clients the secret because
their major income would drop by 1/3 to 1/2, if not totally.
It is sad that most doctors cases were from sinus problem brought on
by allergies to all the things in this world. He was the one
doctor who would tell his needed clients about the preventive
solution for hay fever and all the other pollen allergies people
have, which got him in serious trouble with other doctors.
those of you who are allergic to the pollen from flowers, hay fever,
or to the entire outside world like I was, now here is something that
will help build up your resistance to what has been attacking you
your entire life.
zillion dollar answer.
you think about it like everyone that I have ever told, bees take
pollen from all the plants in your area to make their honey.
large tablespoonfuls of local honey every day in your cereal, tea, or
anything that you want to sweet to eat or straight off a spoon like I
do is all that is needed to maintain your health and limit expensive
medications for your allergies. Take daily for 4 to 8 weeks
during spring and fall.
There are a few people that can not eat Honey, Local or not. Honey
allergies are the worst because they are allergic to it or a
diabetic. Also, small newborn babies up to two years old also
should not be given honey until their old enough (and they are the
ones who need it most.)
was an R.N. and had more than one secret. Jay always was
researching the simple ways to make life easier. She was the kind of
person that everyone came to for help for one reason or another. The
solutions that she looks for were the common sense ways of doing
anything and everything.
Jay always was looking at how to get away from the synthetic
medications that doctors freely prescribed and tried to find the best
way to go for the natural healthy ways of using fresh food from a
greenhouse garden and the plot of ground she would have all year
round. She used to say that everyone’s bodies were different and
the standards percentage of amounts of healthy vitamins and minerals
that are considered right for one is not enough or way too much for
another. She found a cost-effective way to cool our home in the
summertime or how to keep smooth skin and work outside. I have
continued her research down through the years also seeking out the
less costly was of doing many things.
The Pumas Stone will clean the ruff old dead skin from off your
elbows and feet. Soak the areas for 15 minutes and then rub the areas
lightly with the stone and towel dry, add your favorite lotion within
a month you will see a big change and use much less lotion. Those
places are the one the old skin does not wear away.
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