GOD Bless America
Our founding fathers of this once great country known as the George Washington, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Paul Revere, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry, Thomas Miffin, Nathaniel Gorham, Nataniel Folsom, John Sullivan, George Ross, Roger Sherman, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, John C. Calhoun, John Dickinson, John Hancock, Robert Morris, John Witherspoon, Josiah Bartlett, Carter Braxton, Charles Carroll, Samuel Chase, Benjamin Harrison, John Hart, Joseph Hewes, Thomas Hayward, Jr., William Hooper, Abraham Clark, George Clymer, William Ellery, William Floyd, Elbridbe Gerry, Lymand Hall, Peyton Randolph, Charles Thomson, Richard Dobbs Spaight, Button Gwinnett, Alexander Martin, Luther Martin, Charles Pinckney.
So today I have one thing to say, defilers of my families and my country's flag, “Those who were walking on OUR FLAG, this IS NOT any form of FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!! There are laws to protect our flag.”
"No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America." Section 8
"The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing." Section 8:
Anyone that disrespect OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FLAG THEY SHOULD LEAVE THIS COUNTRY, OUR DEAD SOLDIERS THAT DIE TO DEFEND THIS FLAG DO NOT WANT YOU HERE AND NEITHER DO I.” written by me April 20, 2015, after the naive women who defended the flag was arrested for disturbing the peace of people walking on the American Flag in protest breaking OUR COUNTRY'S LAWS!!!
My ancestors are rolling over in their graves at the thought of Muslim Women using
Many may dispute the claim but all Ross women descents know that Elizabeth Phoebe Griscom - Ross - Claypool married a John Ross and that George Washington came to her to make the banner for the new United States of America. He wanted a 6 sided star, the Star of David was his idea for the original design but it was Betsy that changed that idea for the five point stars in the field blue and the 13 stripes and stars for the thirteen colonies. For each five point star added so does a new state.
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